Three in a Tub

Rain overnight - still those trays of white foxglove seedlings on the garage roof are getting watered! Saves me getting the hose out or climbing up the ladder.
A mixed day again - some Dunollie stuff this morning and then out in the garden this afternoon. Clambering about on the slippery bank and trying not to slide off while I cut more ferns down. Sometimes when I'm up on the deck I see regular local passers-by looking up to see if there's anything new up there - I have another fern to cut down to expose the newly planted Desfontainia spinosa to the spying eyes!
Last job of the afternoon was to pot three succulents - Aloe striatula (now Aloiampelos striatula for some annoying reason!) - into a tub to stand out at the drive end of the house. My title came to me as rather like Thomas Hardy's Two on a Tower! I bought this trio a year or two ago, but I'd previously grown a batch of them from seed obtained from Tresco and planted them out at Arduaine. I've often wondered if they'd flowered.

My extra today is my potted Rhododendron excellens - a fragrant and tender species from Yunnan and North Vietnam. Good to see a rhododendron flowering in July!

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