Geraniums and Lavender

A beautiful day here, lots of sunshine, and a max temp of 21C, perfect. Of course, it's a stifling 26C inside, so I'll be glad to open the doors and windows soon. I did some light gardening this morning and sat out reading after lunch. 

Day 846 / Day 137 of no Legal Covid Requirements in England (for my record only)
The ONS has released figures today showing that deaths involving coronavirus were 200,247 on 25th June (late publication reflects delayed death registrations). In the w/e 1st July, 412 deaths were registered with Covid on the certificate. There are still 3m people in the UK who are unvaccinated according to the Public Accounts Committee. They also said that people of black, black British and Pakistani origin were less than half as likely to have their booster jab versus those with white British origin, this despite them being more vulnerable. 

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