Camp Day

A slow start to my
day and I will make it a
very quiet one

~ carliewired

It was 8:30 before I was backing the car out of the garage for my morning jaunt with my camera. Yesterday's adventure has worn me out completely! 

I headed off towards Tranquille to check on the wetlands but made a quick stop for coffee and breakfast first. Today is Camp Day at my favourite coffee shop. I bought some camp socks, too. I'm all for supporting endeavours for kids.

The route to Tranquille has roadside weeds that are in full flower. The blue chicory and the yellow wild mustard cannot be missed. They stand very tall. I'd hoped I might see some big horn sheep but the very long freight train blocked any view. I drove out to the end of the road and turned around in front of the farm. There were Canada geese down below the road at the water's edge, but I wasn't getting any closer. The train's engine was parked just short of the crossing but the engine was idling. At some point it all disappeared and I didn't even notice. 

My surprise was finding an osprey's nest on a high tension pole by the farm. There was an adult in the nest, then another arrived with something clutched in its talons. They seemed to have a bit of a conversation, then one flew off. It's amazing to me that they like a jumble of tree branches atop a pole with no protection from the weather. 

I stopped for some groceries on the way home. I hope to meet with a gal pal for coffee this afternoon. Otherwise it's a quiet day at home for me. 

The forecast offers a sunny day with a high of 30 C. I will appreciate it being a bit cooler than yesterday! 

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