Thirsty Mrs Tiggywinkle

So muggy yesterday that I knew I wouldn’t sleep, so was out late sitting in the garden watching the bats, when out popped Mrs Tiggywinkle. She was so thirsty that she wasn’t the least bit bothered by me taking flash photos of her. (Looking at the pics, am concerned she might have a bad eye, and possibly a tick.)

A rude awakening at 7.30am by the sound of diggers, jack hammers and circular saws right outside the house. A dozen or so workmen have been working all day, digging a trench in the pavement the length of the road, and right across our drive, to lay new Internet cabling, making one hell of a row and mess. Had to keep windows shut due to noise and dust. They told me we should’ve all received a letter notifying us in advance of the work but nobody in the close has, everyone up in arms. They even wanted to dig up part of our next door neighbours’ garden! Joined the neighbours in phoning up the internet provider to complain, only to be told that the work is due to continue for the next six days!

A much more pleasant 26 degrees today. Still groggy and still testing positive on day 10. Thank you so much for all your recent kind comments, stars and hearts.

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