
By PlanW

The Nutty Boys

I spotted a pair of nuthatches on the feeders today.   The feeders are a-buzz with birds these days but I barely get time to watch them, chained as I am to my laptop. 

Ive got a new robin in the park.  I haven't seen him since Saturday, I assume because of the extreme heat, but he came to me tonight.   I'll try to photograph him tomorrow. 

I went to a Combat class this evening but only managed 20 minutes.  I had to bail as my knee started to hurt.  Its fairly swollen so I'm lying down in bed.  

For diary purposes, I collected Alba (the world's second largest dog) and had her for most of the day.  Edu was meant to be on call all night but he came home early after having an asthma attack while a patient was on the operating table! 

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