When we moved here in February, the first morning at eight o'clock we were all six standing here in the rain, in front of the district's school registration office in a building to the left of these trees covered with knit graffitis. Except that chilly and rainy gloomy morning they were all soaked wet.

Everything was different when I walked here yesterday. All the trees and flowers blooming, sun shining. I had been volunteer driving and photographing for the yearbook project all morning and a good part of the afternoon and somehow the inspiration to take more photos was lost (thus backblipping again). So the image just because I've always liked knit graffitis. I've never seen anybody actually doing these. Do they knit them ready at home or on the location?

I got a chance to take group pictures of sixty kids in different variations. The bad luck was, the sun was shining! The only shady wall in the school area was besides classrooms and we couldn't use it as it would have disturbed the other classes. So sun it was. I made numerous mistakes - I will save you from those - but my notebook is now full of remarks and I have a huge respect for those who do the school/class pictures professionally. I also learned that my 50mm Sigma is not the best possible for big groups - it goes soft/unclear towards the edges. I did get pictures, though, and my time seems to be booked adjusting and uploading images. It's been interesting to help out with this project. And the Grade 7 kids were great and fun to be with.

PS I think I should mention also that these knittings were outside the Gordon Smith Gallery of Canadian Art as I think they are part of the gallery.

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