Capital adventures

By marchmont

Super moon

Another day of, well relaxing.  Olivia was still off school.  Her other grandmother reckoned she needed another day's rest.  I think she was probably ok but schools can be picky, especially at present, and it would have been complicated if she'd had to be collected early. 

We didn't do much today. Olivia watched an Australian kids' show about magic.  It was much better than the awful Pokemon cartoons they normally binge on.  At least it had a story and real people.

After the usual empty/fill the dishwasher, tidy the sink area I sewed for a bit on the balcony whilst listening to my Marion Keyes. It wasn't a bad morning.  The cloud cleared and there was no rain.  #1 son was working in the bedroom. 

After lunch Olivia did some science and there was a slight panic about a missing castle from the chess set, which luckily I found. It has worked out well them being off, well good for me that is.

I had my meeting in the afternoon.  So much more professional than last week.  The we all went to collect Amelia.  The school moved during Covid and is now further away. Quite near the new condos with the cranes atop.

We had a lovely dinner on the balcony.  Syrian food. They have reverted to mainly take aways.  The golden age of shopping and cooking seems to have passed. But it was very tasty food whatever its origins.

WH did Olivia's Chinese homework with her and then she and the girls went to bed, after a quick look at the hazy super moon.  #1 son and I watched 'Murders in the Building'. It is good.  I may have to sign up to Disney+ to watch it back home. And another Asahi, so much for resolve.  

I have one trip booked for next week and a second one tentative depending on numbers.  Tomorrow's plan have been changed.  Meeting #2 son for lunch. 

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