Neponen the bunny

Yesterday I bought a shrimp salad and tuna pizza for lunch. The salad was quite enough, so I left the pizza to the refrigerator of the office. And forgot it there. Tonight I remembered the pizza and decided to retrieve it.

I found my pizza, and something else too. There it was on the backyard:

We have seen her some times, but never this close. Neponen is her name as we have named her after the toy bunny in finnish children's programmes. It was so nice to meet her tonight - even so that there was window between us.

If this link works, you maybe can see her model in toy world as Neponen and Jyrki are talking in finnish what kind of a person could be a nice producer to the children programmes. Neponen is quite an old charachter already, almost every child in Finland knows her.

Thanks for your stars, hearts, chatting and commenting again lately. I drove with my bike today to work. Very nice ;-)

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