
By olib


One of the majestic interlopers in the Linda Vista Gardens. Apparently, in 1948, burdocks inspired Austrian George de Mestral to invent Velcro.
Another of the giants of the invaders in the gardens is the giant mullein, of which three are reaching for the skies in the Extras.
Also in Extras a new table and chairs for kiddies, to replace rotting old ones. They were carved by chainsaw from parts of a splendid Copper Beech that had to be felled in the gardens before a fungus attacking on the roots did the job and caused great damage in the process. But the fellers didn't leave much depth to the chairs so they could be sunk in the ground and not be dislodged. (There are those who like to move anything they can for evil purposes.) So one of the Friends of the gardens bolted them and the table to a large joist which is sunk underground. Should do the trick. Apparently while he was digging them in, some little kids kept asking him to hurry up because they wanted to play on them. A nice endorsement!

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