This beautiful blue butterfly I was sure was a Common Blue, but when I checked it seems it's an Adonis Blue. I didn't see it with its wings open but looking at this shot you can see the 'fine black veins that cross the outer white fringes of their wings', as my fieldguide describes them - apparently diagnostic..
K and Hazel are not here at the moment, but I was looking after Jax the dog for Sis, who had a hospital appointment in London. As Jax and I were returning from a walk this morning I was upset to see the stupid Council had just finished mowing the open space in Hilliers Haven. It's a very small area that people cross on the newly made paths. No-one walks on the grass, which is covered in wildflowers and more butterflies than I have seen anywhere this year. Well that's at an end! I wrote a furious email to the Council, for all the good it will do. Such vandalism!
This shot was taken on our way out.
Okay, that's me. Hope you've all had a good day and survived the UK heat (if that's where you are). Take care xx
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