The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Rage Au Volant

Dear O'H dear & Lovely Tea Jenny,

We went to visit the Palace of Versailles this afternoon which is absolutely stunning although probably the most over the top building I have ever seen. Louis IV was an extravagant dude, a Kardashian of his time! The Prince wanted to see the gardens but The Princesses opted to go to the cafe, vampire style, as there was NO WAY we were going to wander about in direct sunlight at 34°C. He came back 10 mins later, absolutely drenched and we were quite happy just to look at his pictures!

We had a hilarious Uber ride back to Paris. Our driver was so grumpy and I couldn’t help but feel he was in the wrong profession. He was clearly unhappy to have passengers in the car and enraged by pretty much every other car on the road which he frequently conveyed with his liberal use of the horn!

A car in the lane next to us cut in front and we caught up with it at the next set of lights. Grumpy taxi driver wound down his window and explained in no uncertain terms his feelings on this slight. My French is very limited but “Imbécile” was an easy translation! He then proceeded to RANT to The Prince in rapid fire French (with no hands on the wheel as he gesticulated wildly) who wisely repeated the odd sentence back to him and nodded as if he understood every word. He asked if we were American and The Prince explained that we are Scottish…

And it was as if he’d had a personality transplant. He broke out into a huge smile, gave a load “Ohhhhhh”, and (once again) took his hands off the wheel to play imaginary bagpipes. By the time the journey was over, he bloomin loved us and was recommending a boulangerie where the croissants are “magnifique”!

We had dinner in a local brasserie and I lived my best Parisian life, sitting outside, having a platter of cheese and lovely wine for dinner.


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