and through the wire...

By hesscat

She Shall Go To The Ball!

Ms H was a bit devistated when she tested postive last Saturday with her Graduation Ball scheduled for tonight. Her first symptoms were last Thursday, the day after her graduations. Last night we explained to her the guidance is she only needs to isolate for 5 days at which point if feeling well, can return to normal. However today she told people she was not going as it didn't seem the right thing to do, despite wanting to go! 

As soon as she told me that I said if she didn't go, Mrs C and I would go for her. So slowly she got round to changing her mind and off she went with H and I just picked them up at 1am to bring them home having had a great night.

Question is, how have Mrs C and I managed to escape it? We have been taking some, but not all precautions, science huh! Probably jinxed myself now.

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