
By Tinks

Feeling Better!!

I've been feeling rubbish with the love the kids gave me! Thankfully, after 48 hours of not feeling like doing very much I actually felt human!

With a bit more of a spring in my step, I caught up with some housework and went and bought my studio kit!

By the time we got home, it was getting on as I had to turn around half way back as I'd left my card in the machine when I paid!! ... probably as I was so excited with my purchase!

So, after dinner was in the oven I set about putting it all together... it didn't take too log at all, which can only be good especially as I didn't have much of a clue what I was doing!! (I might add at this point that the chap that sold it me was absolutely fantastic and gave me a very good demo before I bought it!)

Unfortunately, my model who had been dragged straight from school for said purchase was still in her school uniform and seeing as it was very close to bedtime, I had to grab her whilst I could!!

It was a bit of a rush job but I can totally see the bennefits and can't wait to play some more tomorrow!

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