Look at that little face.....

Mr W had seen the bike he really wanted advertised. I encouraged him to enquire about it and make use of the house money we have sitting in the bank. I suggested he bought it while it was available and he has 2 months to sell the old one before the money is actually needed for completion.

The bike was in storage in London at a secret location. The storage person was selling it on behalf of the owner. There were some very beautiful, expensive cars and bikes in the storage warehouse!!

Anyway, 2 hours after we arrived, Mr W drove the bike to me in the carpark with a beaming smile on his face. It took a time to insure. He's usually with the Institute of Advanced Motorists (he's a Class 1 rider) but they were based in Ireland and Ireland had a Bank Holiday. He had to take out a 24 hour insurance instead just to get it home!

He looked far more comfortable as I followed him out of London so it was the right choice to get a slightly smaller bike. Its the same engine size but 20kg less.

Now we just need to get the GSA sold - or we can't buy our house!!!!!

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