A view of our tomato plants

Credit must go to Paula who has looked after them far better than I ever have in the past. They are beginning to ripen fast now. I have done a long shot of them and then a close up of the first couple of plants.

Today has been a lot cooler which has been a relief. I managed to pot up some cuttings and repot a couple of cyclamen which weren't doing too well and I found out they had those little white grubs eating the roots away so threw all the soil away and re potted them.
I dead headed some of the flowers too in the garden.

I hope this heatwave isn't as bad as they are making out. I know the media love to hype things up and I did notice the weatherman did say it "might" reach as high as 40 down in London. Anyhow I am sure we will survive if we follow the rules, make sure you are Hydrated, keep as cool as possible, and keep out of the sun.
 I read you should put your socks in a polythene bag and put them in the fridge, cold feet will help keep your body temperature down, also fill your hot water bottle with cold water and take it to bed with you if it's a very warm night, don't they come up with some weird stuff, also best rest between 11am and 3pm (that sounds OK) close your curtains or blinds and keep your windows closed on the sunny side of the house open all windows on the shady side.
My BBC weather app says  sunny intervals for Sat and Sun 25 and 31 respectively and Monday and Tuesday will be the really hot days 37 both days. Back down to 20 on Wednesday with some rain.so we shall see.

Happy weekend everyone and take care

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