
This made me smile. It's an advert for a new product, I saw it outside Sainsbury's when I popped in for some supplies. The wordage, which I've not captured, describes it as "Fosters cut with cloudy lemonade" and the product is called Radler.

So lets unpick this. Fosters is an Australian brand which is brewed in Europe by Heineken; probably in Moss Side, Manchester. Cloudy lemonade is known outside Britain by different names but what we buy as a carbonated drink by the litre is certainly not the "limo" one buys in Europe and lemonade in the US is a different thing again. And finally the name - my Deutschophone friends will know straight away that it's German for shandy.

I have no doubt that some will buy this exotic mix and that someone somewhere in the Fosters/Heineken marketing department thinks it's the next best thing to sliced Hovis but all I thought of were those cans of shandy Bass we used to drink as children.

A beautiful sunny day and a Thursday to boot. As Thursday is the new Friday I think we can officially declare that the weekend is nearly upon us - make sure that your party clothes are ready and let's ease into Friday with a smile.

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