Some Days

By Euphemist


I went for a quick walk down by the harbour in the beautiful evening light.

I had intended to carry on my experiment with a low contrast camera setting shooting into the sun, and indeed I have several shots that I am quite proud of.

But I wanted to show everybody this small wonder.

Greater wonder.

At the mouth of the harbour the rocks form low cliffs, great nesting for the kittiwakes and on the flat tops, herring gulls and common gulls. These gulls were playing in the breeze as it hit the cliff-face, hovering in the wind, slowly rising on the updraught then when they were at the top of the crowd, stalling and diving down to the bottom to start again.

The entire time they were making very un-gull-like single peeps to each other. This certainly seemed to be a social occasion, the gulls appearing to be really enjoying their game.

I could have stood watching all evening.

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