Hello Lovely Blippers,

I'm sure you can imagine how upset we all were when we knew that Mr and Mrs H CBE were going off yesterday to collect their car and were NOT taking us with them.  We decided that we wouldn't sulk about this, but would be very grown-up and just accept it. We had a lovely time playing in the garden – and the good thing was they didn't know what we were doing, so we played in the pond, the long grass and even on their large mobile - great fun.

This is the new car they went to collect – it's a Honda HRV, so is higher than their Jazz, which is great when you are getting older!  The colour is Obsidian Blue - which sounds very posh - not just plain old dark blue - and it looks quite sparkly.  Mr HCB is delighted because it has heated seats along with lots of other gizmos, but of course, he won't need to use them at the moment because it's absolutely sweltering here and if he did that would be really silly and would make Admirer laugh!

We thought we would all sit on the bonnet, so that Mrs HCB could take a good photograph of us, but because of the great job that the service guys over at Honda did polishing the car, every time we sat on the bonnet we slid down and fell on top of one another.  Talk about Silly Saturday - all Mrs HCB seemed to do was to pick us up off the ground because we kept slipping down. However she eventually managed to get a quick shot of all of us before we slid all the way down and hit the ground – and that wasn't silly - in fact, some of us had quite sore heads and bottoms!

We hope that you are all finding ways to keep cool in this blisteringly hot weather - we will let you into a secret - and this has never been done before - Mr. HCB has told Mrs. HCB that if he thinks it is going to be too hot next Tuesday at the Cheltenham cricket ground, then he won’t go - WOW - whatever next - we think he is getting sensible in his old age!  

We are just off to get another few glasses of water, or maybe even an ice cream  - we need to keep hydrated.

Love from all of us in the Silly Saturday Gang xxx

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