Jamie Smyth

By JTSmyth

Scotland's Future

Started a new book and like the political anorak that I am it is a book about the economics of constitutional change.

A lot has already been said about next years referendum and a lot remains to be said, however the first chapter of the book's introduction describes the context for the book and the debate so far.

"The primary objective of this book is to bring a greater focus to the proposals for constitutional change. It aims to highlight the principle questions and challenges that bear on the potential transfer of more economic powers and governance to the Scottish Parliament. Any politically charged environment - as the debate over the future governance of Scotland inevitably will create - can easily obscure the most important issues. It equally tends to conclude debate prematurely, thereby losing the benefit of considered analysis."

There is still a long way to go till Scotland casts its votes but I hope when we look back at the referendum we will conclude that it was a reasoned debate with 'considered analysis'.

I'd like to think we are a mature enough country to aim for that.

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