Rhithweledigaethau ~ Hallucinations
“There is no reality, there is only hallucination. Reality is hallucination we agree on.”
― Abhijit Naskar
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Roedden i'n boeth yn y nos gyda phen tost, tipyn bach o dwymyn a rhai rhithweledigaethau, felly doedd dim digon o gwsg gyda fi. Gormod o haul efallai. Yn y bore gofynnais i'r derbynnydd am Paracetamol ac yn ffodus roedden nhw'n gallu rhoi dau i mi. Dros y dydd gwnes i ddechrau teimlo'n well.
Aethon ni ar y bws i Ddinbych-y-pysgod. Roedd y bysiau yn gyfleus ac wrth gwrs doedd rhaid Nor'dzin a fi talu am docynnau.
Roedd e'n dda i weld Dinbych-y-pysgod eto. Y ddau le yn cael eu rhinweddau. Rydw i'n meddwl bod Llanusyllt yn cael teithiau cerdded well, ond rydw i'n hoffi'r hen dre Dinbych-y-pysgod. Dydw i ddim yn gallu dweud pa un yn y lle gwell i aros. Efallai y byddwn bob yn ail rhyngddyn nhw.
Cerddon ni o gwmpas y siopau ac yn eistedd ar y traeth. Roedd hen long ar y môr - neu long newydd mewn hen steil. Dydw i ddim yn gwybod pam roedd e yno ond roedd e dda i weld. Efallai ei roedd yn rhithweledigaeth
Aethon ni i 'On Georges' am ginio. Mwynheuon ni pryd o fwyd yna yn 2020, ac roedd e'n dda iawn heddiw hefyd.
Ar ddiwedd y dydd gwnaethon ni dal y bws yn ôl i Llanusyllt. Yn gyfleus stopiodd e y tu allan y gwesty. (Er nad oedd unrhyw stop bws amlwg).
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I was hot in the night with a headache, a bit of a fever and some hallucinations, so I didn't have enough sleep. Too much sun perhaps. In the morning I asked the receptionist for Paracetamol and luckily they were able to give me two. Over the course of the day I started to feel better.
We went on the bus to Tenby. The buses were convenient and of course Nor'dzin and I didn't have to pay for tickets.
It was good to see Tenby again. Both places have their merits. I think Saundersfoot has better walks, but I like the old town of Tenby. I can't say which is the better place to stay. We might alternate between them.
We walked around the shops and sat on the beach. There was an old ship at sea - or a new ship in an old style. I don't know why he was there but he was good to see. Maybe it was an hallucination.
We went to 'On Georges' for lunch. We enjoyed a meal there in 2020, and it was very good today too.
At the end of the day we caught the bus back to Saundersfoot. Conveniently it stopped outside the hotel. (Although there was no obvious bus stop)
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