Stuff and Nonsense

By Diane2104

Bamboo workshop

I spent most of the day at the butterfly house today. There was some weeding, tidying, and deadheading to be done in the community garden first and then we hosted some bamboo sessions with a lady called Sarah. We started inside the glasshouse, but soon moved the tables to outside as it was way too hot. I’m glad it was only 24 degrees today - tomorrow would have been unbearable.  We started making some hyperbolic structures out of skewers and then later on in the afternoon graduated onto the full size bamboo(extras). 
The aim is to educate more people about using bamboo and next year to build a “mahoosive” structure big enough to walk on/sit on/support something. An interesting project. 

This evening I have been watching Rory climb to the top of the leaderboard in The Open. Come on Rory! :)) 

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