First Swim

Finally got Kara to a pool for her first swim. She loved it and the new pool at the Community Campus is fantastic. We had booked a slot in the training pool. A smaller, warmer pool that is 0.8m deep. The pool can actually be lowered to 2m for lessons if needed which is pretty cool. It means we didn’t have to worry about staying in the shallows of the regular pool.

Kara was wearing this floaty vest. Much better than armbands and it just lets her, well, float. I think the buoyancy on the front is slightly more than back to ensure they spin on their back if needed.

In the end we were there for 45 mins in total so you can tell we had fun. When we left Kara said, before we even got to the car, ‘maybe we can come swimming another Saturday’. Yes, of course we can!

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