
By LifeBeginsAt22

Home Sweet Home

Finally... she is home! 5 hours after Mummy was discharged!!!!! What an awful week it has been. Hopefully now she will be able to actually get some sleep... Myself and Step Daddy can now give her the care that she actually needs. Still can't get my head around what has happen during this week which has felt like months.

All that matters now is that Mummy has a fantastic recovery, feels safe and sane!!! She will continue to note down everything that has happened to her during her hospital stay in order to make a complaint and statement to make people aware that it is not just the elderly that become confused, but 44 year olds too... with the help of good friends and family. I feel so awful that she has been through such a traumatic experience which was totally out of my (or anyone's expect the disgraceful nurses) control :(

Love you Mummy

Emily XxX

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