Thursday: Buildings and Shadows

We have an official visitor here today and so I have been out and about with him for most of the day.  It culminated in a worky dinner which I have just come home from.  I don't really mind, as such, but it is kind of hard to talk about work from 0800 in the morning through until 2300 in the evening!  Some red wine helped though!

And we also have a private visitor!  Our friend, Nish, has come to stay for a few days.  I know it seems like we have a lot of visitors here but we really like it - it's a way of staying in touch with all our friends and also provides us with a social life!  So hurrah for visiting friends - particularly when they come with massive supplies of goodies as Nish did.  

Anyway, I spent a lot of time in this street today for one reason or another.

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