
For a change I took the car to Roslin to start my walk with Django. After dropping into the Glen, I saw that the Esk was low enough to cross easily. Indeed, to reach Wallace's Cave from the left bank, the difficulty was finding a route up the steep wooded slope below it. I managed by finding (secure) low branches to pull on, encouraging Django to follow me. After visiting the cave, I decided not to attempt the descent back to the river, so continued to Bonnyrigg. After crossing the Esk via the road bridge at Polton, I found a footpath through woodland that allowed me to avoid walking up the narrow, twisting and steep road to Loanhead. From there I was on the familiar old railway back to the car in Roslin. Roslin Glen is such a great place: I can well imagine the adventures that kids used to have there I'm the days before they were encouraged to stay in and be safe.

Back home, after doing the week's washing-up and laundry, I ate and watched the Open. As with last night's cricket, the sporting spectacle was compelling, even if the result wasn't the one that I wanted. It was worth having Sky for 24 hours, but I don't have the spare time to justify a full subscription!

Back to the golf, it's good to see how McIlroy seems to have matured from the young man who was overwhelmed by being one of the world's most exciting sporting superstars, into someone more patient and agreeable, whilst still being young enough to deliver at the top level.

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