The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

An Education

Dear O'H dear & Lovely Tea Jenny,

The Prince was a little tired today. He was at the Open in St Andrews yesterday. With free beer. No further explanation required.

When they got back to Edinburgh, he had managed to order an Uber, get in the Uber and make it home. He had attempted to pay at the end of the trip but the (honest) driver set him straight about the basics of how Uber accounts work!

He went up to bed and by the time I went up (an hour or so later) he was fast asleep. Except he was completely restless. After 5 mins of tossing and turning, I asked if he was ok.

The Prince (barely awake): “I just had a dream about the Eiffel Tower”

Me: “Was it a good dream?”

The Prince: “It was very…factual.”

Me: “Riiiight”

Perhaps Gustave Eiffel himself travelled to The Prince’s dream to give him some inside info, but who knows? The Prince had no memory of either the dream or the conversation this morning so it will forever remain a mystery!


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