Just the Withers......

By JaneW

Talk to my agent …

No more photos …… it’s almost 11pm and I’m sat in my garden reading ….. I’ve got the big garden light on so I can see my book . All my solar lights are ablaze … it’s a wonder that I don’t get planes on their way to Birmingham airport landing it’s so bright. ;-))

I’ve lost my temper a bit today with people taking issue over weather warnings … yes we do need them . … no we didn’t just get on with it in 1976, it was actually rather traumatic… there was a surge of heat related deaths in the elderly and vulnerable and also quite upsetting to read in tiny babies . ALSO it never peaked past 33 or 34 degrees … tomorrow parts of the midlands will reach up to 41 degrees . It’s actually not funny that some of the less informed people are not closing off their conservatories and the heat build up in the home truly becomes dangerous.
I simply cannot understand the human brain that thinks ‘ in the old days it wasn’t like this ‘
SHUT UP . In the old days we just died before things were invented or made better . Drives me frigging mental .
It’s going to be hot . Look out for neighbours and the like …. If being a snowflake means I have BASIC HUMAN KINDNESS I’ll take that over being a shitty person any day .

I seem to have ‘gone off on one’ xxxxxx. ;-)) .

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