Explore, Dream, Discover

By Snowcycle

Out for coffee

Haven't blipped for a wee while because on the 28th June, while on my after work bike ride, a driver drove his minibus in to me. I then spent 13 days, with one fairly long operation to fix most of the damage, in the Major Trauma Ward at the ERI. On the day of discharge, an x-ray showed a loose screw in my elbow. .

I went back in on the 14th July for Day Surgery to fix this issue. However surgery showed a small infection and I was readmitted.

So I am back in hospital. The blup photo was taken on a brief escape from the ward to a small green area near the hospital. Having coffee outside is a simple thing most people take for granted. This bird appeared just as I was being wheeled back to the ward. It's a black headed gull nearing the end of moving from winter to summer plumage 

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