
Day 9...

We were up and out early this morning, the jet lag hit my folks and they were up before me. Went further into Hell's Kitchen for breakfast and then over to the water taxi again and down to the 9/11 Memorial. The last time we were here was the year after and the site of the Twin Towers was fenced off and had lists of the names of the 2,977 people who died. It was eerie then and I didn't feel it was appropriate to take photos but this time somehow it felt okay. It was emotional all over again and as I walked round the South Pool, reading the names inscribed on the bronze parapets around the pool, Renee A. May and her unborn child who were on Flight 77 made my tears spill over. Such loss, so tragic and I don't think that her name will ever leave me. The children who lost parents, the parents who lost children and loved ones just made me remember how lucky I am to be here with mine. So very sad, I shall not forget.

We had a quick look round Century 21 but neither Mum or I were really in the mood to shop so we walked back down the Hudson, round the new tower which is still under construction and caught the water taxi again, going under the Brooklyn Bridge and over to the Statue of Liberty before we walked over to Grand Central via Bryant Park. The sun shone all day long but it's cool in the shade. Dinner was had and then we caught a cab over to the Metro Baptist Church to listen to the rehearsals of the Voices of Gotham, a barbershop choir. We had planned on doing The Empire State Building after that but we're all beat so just came home. I'm not sure that I have enough oomph to sort out my photos for the day but I'll link the album for this week just in case I get a second wind. There are a whole load of fireworks going on at the west end of the street, I suspect something to do with the posh do going on in the Intrepid Museum tonight but isn't it typical that we were too tired to go up high?

Thank you muchly for all the lovely comments, hearts and stars on the shot of my Mum and Dad... you're a fab lot!

Week One

Week Two

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