
After a hectic family filled weekend we went to Wimbledon to watch the tennis. Queued up for a couple of hours but got tickets (at a reasonable price) to see anything on courts 3 down to 19. My tennis knowledge is very limited as is my interest but it was a great day just watching the players, ball boys and girls and the crowds. Defiantly an experience.

I have always said Blip was an addiction and I still am addicted. Unfortunately my blipping time has been hijacked by watering time. Lots of plants and pots and flower beds to keep saturated. The only rain we have had for weeks was on the night of 2 July when we had 60 people in our garden for a birthday and very late New Years Eve party. The timing was incredible.
Today (18th July) I am stuck inside with all the curtains drawn trying to stay cool. It does give me time to sort through the last months photos and post some back blips. I have been asked to visit one of the Home Hospice clients who is no longer able to look after his own garden but has express an interest in our plot. I have been going round photographing flowers as they come out to show him. As these are the only shots I have been taking blip will be flower filled when I complete the back blipping.
Tomorrow we will still be experiencing excessive heat; we are under a heat dome evidently, something I had never heard of until blipper Dunnie had one in Western Canada ( his pictures are well worth visiting). If I am locked away again tomorrow I will try to catch up with commenting

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