Today the bathroom went....
While we were in England at the end of May the bathroom immersion heater in The Red House went mad and boiled the water, filling the house, and especially the bathroom, with steam. Weekend visitors discovered the catastrophe, turned everything off and thoroughly aired out the house. Later, when we were back home the insurance company sent an assessor and he basically said - "New bathroom needed".
So today the company was here for the first time to start work, ripping out the old bathroom. This was an early stage of the work as all the bathroom fittings came out and the walls and insulation were removed. Later in the day there were three vans here as electricians and plumbers joined in the fun. The extra shows the fittings in the bedroom next to the bathroom, and Jan has a good blip of the "naked" bathroom, with all the walls and floor and fittings removed.
The next stage is to wait a while, letting the bathroom really dry out, though when we looked it did seem to be very dry. We shall see....
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