Here we go again......

All go today again
The shearing gang in to do the hill ewes next door. They started at 7.30 am,and had them all done by 3.30pm.
They also brought a lassie with them to help roll up and pack the wool as Kev not here today.
I was on rolling up until the last 100 odd left,so I headed off with the mower to cut another couple of fields of grass. It isn't a big crop and it's just about dead on its feet as we are burning up badly now and are desperate for some rain. It was 26 c in the shade this afternoon,30c on the dash thermometer in the car.
By 8 pm I was finished cutting ,so headed off down the road to feed the heifers and check they all had water in their troughs. Back home via the chippy,so no doubt will suffer tomorrow!
Had to shift more cows and calves tonight as their water had dried up. Getting worried now as there is very little left in any of the burns let alone the springs drying up. Don't know where we go next if it doesn't rain.
Just to upset me even more,the next door neighbour spent the afternoon cutting winter barley in the field opposite where I was mowing. Severe harvest envy kicked in,even though I can't cut ours until we have an empty shed to store it in once the wool is away and all the cows are weaned. Bugger.

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