Midnight and Jade (Jade is on the left feeding)

Yesterday, whatever that bigger animal was that entered my back garden, I found out later in the day that he had knocked over my black rubbish wheelie, opened all the bin bags, and scattered everything. I was not pleased to be in 34 deg C trying to pick up scattered bin rubbish. That was me finished for the day.

Last night I made sure there was lots of water and scattered 1 kg of my cheaper (!) cat biscuits in the front garden. I was trying to prevent the big creature/s (possibly a family of badgers) from trying to break into my back garden. Anyway, when I looked out this morning it had worked. The big creatures had stayed in the front, and eaten all those cat biscuits. They had better realise the front garden diner is only until we get rain and then they can dig their own food elsewhere.

The smaller creature however, had dug up some plants in my back garden, it was looking for bugs and worms, so the dug up plants have been popped into water until later...

Water pressure was low yesterday, so no way of having a cooling shower. Shower won't work if water pressure is low. I don't have a cold water tank in the attic. It was hard keeping cool. My temperature rose to 37.1, not good, so opted for a one person wet t-shirt competition. That brought my temperature down to a much better level.

Temperature in my garden in the shade at 7:10 am is now 25.1 deg C. I am not looking forward to the rest of the day.

Just a photo this morning for creative. Not the best photo, I took it from a distance as not to frighten Jade off, she is on the left feeding. I had gone out to feed Midnight but he refused to eat anything. He sat by the food bowl and waited. Jade came charging onto the garden, and collapsed in a heap by the wet cat food bowl. She was obviously feeling the heat. Midnight encouraged her to eat and she ate two bowls of cat food. Midnight was watching Jade in a concerned manner, so I went to get my camera, to take a photo because it was so sweet him letting Jade eat first. But he saw me! I gave him some food, so he has now eaten also.

Right, collapse time for me. I am doing nothing today.apart from cuppa teas and iced drinks. My brain is already fried...

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