Life in a Northern Town

By kagsy

Are You Gonna Go My Way?

A bit of Lenny Kravitz should hopefully put you in a weekend frame of mind.

I set out to walk off Monday's fish and chips with a walk on Marsden Moor, with the intention of grabbing a more rural Blip than my recent ones. As I drove out the weather was glorious but when I set off down the track to Wessenden Reservoir it was chuffing freezing, and so I made it about a quarter of the way down - some scary and aggressive sheep down there too! Then the cloud you can see on the right of the picture turned out to contain hailstones. Now I am at home, the weather is glorious again. I bet we get a magnificent sunset tonight and I will have Blipped too early again. One day I will hold out.

The Pennine Way is 268 miles long, stretching from Edale in Derbyshire to the Scottish Borders. A walker covering the entire length of the trail will navigate 287 gates, 249 timber stiles, 183 stone stiles and 204 bridges. The photo shows a small part of what is considered to be the hardest stretch of the walk.

Meanwhile, half day at school for my daughter today and the fencing man is coming tonight to quote for dog-proofing the garden. I half expect a fencing man to arrive carrying an épée, which reminds me of the time I told the kids the blind man was coming - when he arrived with a sample book and tape measure, they were a little disappointed there was no guide dog!

So, when I typed "Way" into my iTunes, it came up with 57 results. Lenny was my favourite, closely followed by Moby and something a bit more mellow.

It's Friday.

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