
By hrubieszowianka

Orange in the rain (colour, not fruit)

What a day. The guy who hired me and worked for the company for 33 year was detrenched (it must be an Australian word for redundant), that's what you get for doing a good job and loyalty. It wasn't personal, just restructuring.

After all work events, unexpected job call out for Mr H, and another rain, we made our way to a parent evening in Hanna's school - purely social, with a plate of food and drinks. You have to make effort, when you don't know anybody. And it was fine, really, better than anticipated. I even had a chance to see Hanna's classroom and other bits of the school. Spoke to a Russian girl, a Dutch guy and 2 born and bred Adelaidians (if that's the right word). And a few more people - origins undisclosed.

Friday night at last.

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