Just the Withers......

By JaneW

Wild beasts … wild beasts …

Sing that in the style of the Duran Duran song ( term used loosely ) WILD BOYS WILD BOYS … ha !!

Kittens health checks all done today , first vaccine done , mum cat done and guess what ?? JACKSON AVERY has a willy after all …. Haaaaaaa it’s just his tiny bollocks are hidden in soooooo much fluff .

Lastly - regarding what I asked yesterday… a family member died and both Jim and I are not sad and then we felt guilty for not feeling sad . However we never had a nice experience with the person . Jim didn’t growing up and I didn’t when I met Jim and it was actually always very wearing because you wondered who would be picked on next , so we distanced ourselves probably about 20 years ago ( we’ve been together over 27 years ) … it didn’t go down well with others and to put it bluntly we are the outcasts which incidentally suits us fine . We kind of got fed up explaining stuff because you get VERY strong reactions to cutting out toxic family , which is weird because you wouldn’t let a friend treat you so appallingly would you ??? Anyway that’s that . Thank you for replying yesterday xxxxx

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