A beautiful shady oak
with no takers today as it was overcast. The cattle were further up the heath. I love how the cattle clip these trees to accommodate their height, this tree actually has en-suite facilities. Very posh! The Met Office said 80% chance of rain at 10am. We had 5, okay it might have been 10, spots of rain at 11.47am. That was it!
I met Jorgiesmum to car share to a charity afternoon being held in memory of recently deceased friend of Gerry. She held a cream tea & plant sale in her garden. I harvested all my courgettes this morning, took them along for Gerry to sell along with a blackcurrant cake I baked last night while making dinner. She put on a fantastic spread - scones, strawberry jam, clotted cream, plus a plate of mixed cakes, cafetiere coffee, or tea for £5 per person. A lovely collection of plants, plus a raffle. She raised an amazing £800. An incredible amount. Jan & I had a lovely catch up. She, Jorgiesdad, & Jorgie have been travelling around Northumberland, & Scotland for the past month in their campervan. Plenty of wildlife to keep Jan & her camera happy, plenty of good walking for R & Jorgie.
Thanks to BobsBlips for hosting Wide Wednesday #flower/plant/tree
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