Despicable Meme

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellow,

I try to take as much work off Ellie as I can. She has more knowledge than me about Office 365 - also more access - so it's hard, but I try.

She had to write up some notes about a tool called "JungleMail" and had been briefed on it by some Tefal-Head dork in a recorded meeting, so I offered to watch the recording and make the notes on her behalf. 

She was very grateful.

What I was not prepared for was just how utterly HILARIOUS this meeting was to be. Tefal-Head ummmed and ahhed and sighed his way through the meeting in which he delivered the material with all the enthusiasm of a deflated balloon. 

Ellie's face was A PICTURE. 

So, because I am evil, I took a screen capture and turned her into a meme, which I have been sending her all day with different captions. 

This one was her favourite, but she also liked the one with the caption, "Mōrena Mofos". 

(Mōrena being Māori for "morning"). 

I reckon I can keep this up for WEEKS and it will never not be funny. Except at the time for the poor woman, obviously.


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