Life with a blue crutch…

I must start by thanking the kind people who stopped by to congratulate me on 8 years blipping. Thank you everyone!

You never know what each day will bring…
Rather than ask someone to collect my repeat meds I arranged for the Co—op Pharmacy to deliver. I was told that someone would phone when the delivery was on its way to collect the £4 delivery charge. 
Early this afternoon my phone rang and it was the pharmacist to say my meds were about to be delivered and how was I.I was a bit surprised he hadn’t got a staff member to phone for credit card details but then everywhere is short staffed these days. I said I was absolutely fine thanks. But he persisted to check I had no unpleasant symptoms etc then stopped. He said ‘Am I right that you have Covid?’. I laughed and said no I haven’t got Covid. The reason I asked for delivery is that I’ve just had a hip replacement! So he said sorry he’d understood I had Covid so my meds will have a self isolation sticker on them. With that the doorbell rang and as I went to open it I saw through the glass the delivery guy put the meds on the doorstep and hot foot away from the door and across the road! 
The pharmacist was still holding on the phone so I went to give my credit card details which he took. But as well as apologising again he asked how my hip was getting on and checked I was keeping up with the physio exercises.
As well as having a giggle I must say I was impressed that the pharmacist took the trouble to phone to check that I was OK. Well done Co-op pharmacy!
So I was now free to go for a walk around the block. I’ve not been far at all since the weather was so hot so I decided not to push my luck walking up Catherine Le Pelley Steps so took a pic looking up instead.

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