A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53

Study: Tousled tot with peanut butter!

Jude seemed OK this morning thank fully but Eda and Grace a bit less so.

Eda soon perked up when two friends from Pre School came to play. Aurelia and Tiggy came with they’re mums and we had a good chat. The girls are inseparable at Pre School but are all moving on to different schools in September.

Grace soldiered on and made a lovely Salad Nicoise for lunch. Tiggy’s mum brought summer berries and Grace supplied ice creams.

Eda and I are chilling now as both Jude and Grace have a nap.
Grace has rehearsal tonight so hopefully she will feel better for it.

It’s been nice not to go very far today.

Felt I should feature Jude for my blip today with and without peanut butter this morning at breakfast! She is 22 months old. How different she looks from a year ago.
Extra Eda and friends 

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