
A productive day working from home and a flower from Balkonien for today's blip only. Didn't go out of the house.
After last night's rain it wasn't as hot and a bit windy in the morning. But back to a blue sky and hot sun in the afternoon.  The heat wave continues.
Decided a little late to turn on the washing mashine and hung up a washload of summer dresses late in my lunch break - they were all dry by 3 pm and ironed by 5 pm!
Also received a rent increase in my lunch break. Energy costs are going through the roof.
Everybody is talking about saving energy. The city of Kaiserslautern decided this week there will be no Christmas illuminations this year and amongst other cuts they will not provide warm water in schools and gyms and pools anymore. I have to mention that because a good friend of mine works in the Rathaus and is year for year and again this year complaining about the AC, which is so low that she can't wear sandals or dresses to work and is on most days - even the hottest! - wearing a cardigan. I would like to tell the mayor to start in his own house with the savings plan.

The next big presence meeting at work tomorrow while the Covid numbers rise and rise again in my county.

19:40; 27°C

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