Too Heavy.

We have lots of Jackdaws round us. I find it amusing watching them get as much food as they can from a perch that's not made for birds of their size. They flap their wings like crazy, while collecting as much food as they can in their beaks. Looked at large you can see the food in it's beak. Our neighbours have a bird feeder and I captured this from the upstairs window. I think I'll be using this window to practice getting some bird shots.

Had my final (called forward) breast screening today. You know you're getting old when that happens!

Jodie had an end of school year party yesterday, she had loads of food over and so we had the leftovers tonight. Delicious! I think she was worst for wear today. They started at 1pm when the school closed, and the last guests went home at 11.15pm.

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