What a day ! :0)

Usual start to the day, busy in breakfast, but you just know it's going to be one of those days!!!
Gym first thing and still things were ok, Mr M seemed to have amnesia but after working with him for 7 years i kind of get used to that, especially since his 40th birthday!!!! :)
Afternoon service went from bad to worse and then time for KS2 to watch the Sense DVD.We were only looking at Hygiene ,healthy eating and keeping fit, but the class was turned into turmoil when it went onto " keeping your foreskin clean"!!!!
After a lightening move by Mr M to stop the DVD,one child saying" what's a foreskin" we quickly moved on to looking at exercise!!
You can always bank on one child not letting it go.
Golden time then home time and off i went into club, thinking that the day was nearly over and looking forward to a large Gin and Tonic tonight ,when a nursery child got stuck in a chair!!!!!
Mr M and Gav came to the rescue but in the end had to cut the chair to free him!!!!
Thank goodness i am now home and looking forward to the weekend. Happy Friday everyone.x

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