
By CreativeCarol

Little Girls are Heaven's Flowers

Thank heaven for little girls. This morning I was so tired because a bird sang all night long outside our bedroom (at least it felt like all night long!) But my tiredness melted away when little Moira walked in this morning all smiles, excited about seeing me and gave me a big hug and kiss!

I promised her that we would take a bike ride to the park as soon as our carpets were finished being cleaned. The moment could not come fast enough for her. She loves the park. We played on the playground, picked up rocks and leaves, watched the blue jays and the robins swoop around us. I was really regretting not bringing my camera on this trip. I could tell my bird shots were not going to be very good. On our way home, Moira spied a field of wild flowers in the park.(they probably are weeds!) It was late, hot and I really did not want to stop and unbuckle her from the trailer and take off her helmet, but who can resist a sweet little girls excitement over little things? She had a ball running around and picking the flowers, smelling each one of course. It was a precious moment for me and I was happy I seized the moment. As soon as she came home, we put them in a vase for her Mommy!

Hope everyone has a precious moment today!

"The flowers appear on the earth; the time of singing has come." ~ Song of Solomon 2:12

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