
By Poppy


Down to Newcastle on the plane and train. An early start, which Lottie wasn't very happy about, but Mike and she got me to the airport in time!

Staying with my aunt who has just come back from New Zealand, where she's been for the birth of her granddaughter. Lots of catching up and laughing, reminiscing and chatting. She's only five years older than me and we get in really well. In lots of ways she has been like an elder sister. I read her books after her, got her outgrown clothes, followed her tastes in music etc.  Her bedroom walls had posters of the Byrds on them, which impressed me greatly!  This afternoon we sat in the sun and she showed me the shells she collected in NZ. See extras.

In the evening we met up with cousin Andy who has come over from Australia. So lovely to see him too! Last seen five years ago and although we keep in touch, it is so great to be able to meet up again. A great, happy evening. 

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