All Pegged Out, Aylesford

Had an almost comically horrendous journey into work. It all kicked off because yet another lorry driver had smashed into a bridge which supported the railway line (they seem to completely ignore height restrictions or are blindly following their satnav). This meant no trains could run until repairs had been made and the structure itself was deemed safe. 
However, the problem was National Rail Enquiries live departures page giving the wrong information. This meant three separate trips to my station only to be greeted by cancelled trains. Then there were a cancelled train that turned out to running (which I missed), a train that was supposed to turn up, was delayed then cancelled and finally the train that did turn up but got into Victoria twelve minutes late, just not late enough for me to claim any Delay Repay! I eventually got into work at 11.45 only to sit at my desk with nothing much to do (I took two shots all day) and then come home again. This time on the journey home it was signalling problems, a missed train connection and another delayed train before the crap was all over. Weirdly I still felt knackered. At least it's Friday!
Watched the news about Trump's behaviour during the January 6th riot. I knew he was a delusional, narcissistic, self-entitled sociapath  but his inaction and refusal to do anything to try to call off his supporters for over three hours while he sat watching Fox News at the White House was an unbelievably disgusting dereliction of his moral duty. It was so heart rending to hear that Mike Pence's security detail were so frightened they were going to be killed by the mob that they were ringing their families to say goodbye. Virtually everyone else in the White House was pleading with him to do something and he just sat there. It is totally mystifying why any decent Republicans could vote for him ever again but that just doesn't seem to be the case. They still believe in the madman and that is terrifying to behold.

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