Charity Bags

A surprising start to the day when police showed up at the door, checking paperwork was in place for Mitch. They were fine, but it kind of put the wind up everyone! Nate and I were spraying these bags when they arrived...we're selling them in the British store in San An with the money going to 24-7. 
The plumber has almost finished in the centre and is willing to do some work for us re getting the bathrooms sorted. 
Late afternoon Nate nosedived and his temperature went sky high. Poor lad. We were all meant to have the evening in the park with Asha's friend and her family, but Nate and I obviously stayed home. He's coughing, got a high temp, feels awful...the dreaded Covid? There's certainly loads of cases on the island at the mo. 

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Seeing Claire late morning. Also again late evening when she texted to say she was at the roof bar of the hotel opposite our flat! We had a wave from roof to apartment!
2) Danny taking Asha to see Cami.
3) Cuddles with the sick one.

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