Change of plans

This morning my aunt Liz and I went to the Laing Gallery and met my cousin Andy there. (See yesterday).  I love the Laing. The air of peacefulness, the ability to - in almost silence - really look at the pictures, at your own pace and take in all the details. I have been often enough over the years to know and love the place, it's a joy to be back. 

Liz went back home and I went with Andy back to his mam's house. She's another aunt! We had lunch and caught up on each other's news and were having a good chat when Liz, who I was staying with, phoned to say she had tested positive for Covid. 

After much deliberation, I went back, picked up my belongings and moved into the spare bedroom at my other aunt's, where Andy is already staying. We both tested negative but goodness knows for how long. Both of us feel fine anyway. 

Extra is the sign on a shop door, which amused me!

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