
By analogconvert13

Clamps At Work. Lumix M4/3 14mm

What else is one to do on a day when it's approaching 100°F outside, but glue up a big panel?  This is one of the cypress panels for the top of The Contraption - my Editor's name for the conjoined chest of drawers and cabinet which I have been working on for the last year and some - . 
My cypress supply is sawn too thin to serve the function of a top which most likely will have heavy objects sitting on it.  The answer is to beef things up by glueing a panel of oak to the back where it will never be seen.  Since I acquired a set of  "Deep Throat" clamps, this job has become a walk in the park - with George.  The trusty F-clamps go around the edges, and the Deep Throats reach right into the middle to apply pressure there.  Glue is applied with a paint roller so it forms a nice, even layer, and squeezes out just a little at the edges - just enough to know that there is enough...   Tomorrow it will all be joined together .

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