The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Boys Only

Dear O'H dear & Lovely Tea Jenny,

We are getting quotes at the moment to have a patio laid.

Jamie came round to have a look today. The Prince was out at the time so I chatted to Jamie about what we’d like. He said it would probably be easier to order the paving ourselves and he could give us the square meterage…”or you just could do it yourselves. I’m sure YOUR HUSBAND is good at measuring up”.

What. The. Actual.

I told The Prince about it when he came home and said I realise that I can’t measure as I don’t have a penis and that is clearly how measuring works…”oh, it’s 30 d**ks and a ball long by 20 d**ks wide.

So I won’t be using Jamie. Well, not unless his price is really good!!


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